I sell items which are associated in some way with my stories. The story-copyright is not for sale.


storye book title with rollover image of doubletoothed narwhal

Batch 1, story 38a



Please read the story while the images load up

front of jade pendant: monkey

reverse of jade pendant: leaves and fruit

front of jade pendant

front of jade pendant: dangling flower and fruit

front of jade pendant: small flower magnified from the original half cm.

front of jade pendant: monkey with fruit

front of jade pendant



Matthew splashed his muddy feet in the bowl and it made a ringing-sound and wobbled on the lino. The fly on the window licked its feet one by one. Matthew wiped the rest of the mud onto a clean, white towel, and looked at the brown footprints on the floor. The fly put a dot on the window.

If Matthew put his head on one side, so would the kitten. If he tipped his head the other way, the kitten did, too. If Matthew tipped his head far enough, the kitten would fall over. Matthew sat the kitten on the edge of the table, above the sleeping dog. Dad brought home a new fluffy kitten the next week, but it wasn’t so good at tricks.

At the zoo, the monkey was just like a mirror. Matthew ate his banana with his right hand; the monkey used his left. The monkey was better than a mirror, because it made worse faces and did them first. After about seven faces the monkey squatted on the floor, and Matthew’s mother dragged him away.

The wild, black and white horse ran a lot, and jumped a lot, but it didn’t copy Matthew. He leaned over the fence and spat, but the horse just bounced. He hissed, but it swished its tail. He climbed on the fence, and it ran away, showing its huge backside and thin ankles. Matthew was cross and bit his own arm, hard. The horse stopped. He walked up to Matthew and looked at his arm.

Copyright © 1991 LS

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reverse of jade pendant

reverse of jade pendant: back of monkey

reverse of jade pendant: leaves and fruit

front of jade pendant

front of jade pendant: dangling flower and fruit

front of jade pendant: small flower  magnified from the original half cm.

reverse of jade pendant: back of monkey

front of jade pendant






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reverse of jade pendant